DCP Highlights National Estate Planning Awareness Week

Wed, Oct 19th, 2022
by DCP Staff
It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week (October 17-23).
Did you know? You can make a gift to DCP and/or any of its programs that costs you nothing during your lifetime and makes an impact far beyond your lifetime. You can accomplish this through giving a planned gift, also called a legacy gift, as part of your estate planning process.
DCP Development Director Sharon Catus says, "Planned giving enables individuals and couples to make a meaningful gift to an organization that reflects their beliefs and values. Planned gifts offer a unique opportunity to leave a legacy memorializing your values and beliefs by supporting causes that further them during your lifetime and beyond."
You can access our Planned Giving Letter of Intent here. If you would like to set up an appointment to discuss options for giving to DCP, including legacy giving, email Joe Connors: joe.connors@downeastcommunitypartners.org or contact the Development Office at 207-610-5944.