(An unexpected error occurred: #0) Heating Assistance | House & Home Services | Downeast Community Partners
You can apply for the Heating Energy Assistance Program online! On the MaineHousing ECOS login page, if you have never logged in before, start by selecting "Create a Customer Account." APPLY NOW!
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Lifespan Opportunities in Washington and Hancock Counties

Heating Assistance

Need help during the cold winter?

Most Recent HEAP program update July 22, 2024

Apply for HEAP online now!

DCP administers the federal Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), which helps pay a portion of home heating costs in Washington and Hancock counties. 

You can apply for HEAP by completing an online application. If you prefer, our staff can assist you to complete the online application either in person or via phone at your scheduled appointment time. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-828-7544 or (207) 610-5914.

The ECOS Maine Housing online portal allows you to complete the application process quickly and easily without having to wait for an appointment. You can also log in anytime and check your application status.

On the MaineHousing ECOS login page, if you have never logged in before, start by selecting "Create a Customer Account."

Documents Needed to Complete Your Application/Appointment

Current proof of income for everyone in your household
A current electric bill
Date of birth and social security cards for everyone in your household
Current (not expired) photo ID for main applicant
The name of your energy dealer as well as your account number if you have one.

Once you have an appointment scheduled, refer to this helpful list to ensure you have all the documents you need for your appointment.

Things to Know about the HEAP Application process

HEAP (formerly LiHEAP) eligibility and benefits are based on income comparisons with federal poverty levels. Please see the income chart below. The guidelines change annually, so you need to reapply every year. 

2024-2025 Income Guidelines

Household Size        Monthly Income Limit

  1.                                       $ 2,945
  2.                                       $ 3,851
  3.                                       $ 4,757
  4.                                       $ 5,663
  5.                                       $ 6,569
  6.                                       $ 7,475
  7.                                       $ 7,645
  8.                                       $ 7,815
  9.                                       $ 7,985
  10.                                       $ 8,155

*Medical expenses paid out-of-pocket may be deducted from household income amount.

The HEAP application process typically takes 2 to 8 weeks depending on how soon required documents are received.

Beyond HEAP Benefits

When HEAP benefit is exhausted, a HEAP recipient may be eligible for ECIP. Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) funds supplement HEAP in emergencies.

To qualify for ECIP, you must have:

Below 1/4 tank of oil or kerosene
7 days or less supply of wood or wood pellets
25% or below supply of LP gas
Electricity soon to be disconnected

This program can provide a minimum delivery not to exceed $800 in emergency heating assistance for life-threatening situations. You can only receive this once per year, and must be a current and approved HEAP recipient.

If you don't meet the eligibility requirements for HEAP or if your HEAP and ECIP benefits have been exhausted, you may still be eligible for assistance from DCP's The Heating And Warmth (THAW) fund.    


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